Having the right person organize and lead your project delivery efforts is crucial! Essential PM Services effectively bridges the gap between vendor and staff activities and your strategic and operational goals.

We understand law firm operations

We have extensive experience with law firm Finance and IT departments and understand their special needs.

We reduce your project risks

Our role is to manage risks and resources, and deliver projects according to your goals.

We know the vendors

We have successfully implemented or upgraded some of your favorite software products.

We put your staff in the proper roles for your projects to succeed

Approximately 30% of all projects fail, while 50% are “challenged”* with some level of dissatisfaction – cost overruns, late delivery, poor quality, unaccounted risk, etc.

Of the failed projects, 50% fail due to poor project management, and 27% fail due to lack of necessary resources or capabilities.** This includes not having a qualified person manage your projects.

Optimize your project success

Let us be the driving force that seamlessly aligns vendor and staff activities with your strategic and operational goals. Choose the right leader for your project delivery – choose Essential PM Services!

*Source - The Curious Case of the Chaos Report 2009, by Jorge Dominguez, The Curious Case of the CHAOS Report 2009 (projectsmart.co.uk)
**Source - Software Project Failure Statistics, by Lorena Castillo, Software Project Failure Statistics [Fresh Research] • Gitnux

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