What is Client Side project delivery?

In a world where many organizations choose the “buy” option of the “build or buy” software development decision, project management can be a tricky business. Your selected vendor likely includes project delivery services (i.e. project management) in its statement of work. That means you and your organization are covered, right? The vendor’s PM handles all project management activities and you are good to go?

This Is Not Client Side Delivery

Not so fast! While the vendor’s goal is to implement your project on time, within budget, with all the scoped requirements, and with the required quality, the vendor PM’s focus is on the vendor. They have their own resources, schedules, and risks within their organization, along with trying to manage your scope and requirements. Depending on the size and complexity of the project, that can be a handful it its own right.

This Is Client Side Delivery

Consider the following: Your organization probably has its own staffing issues, prioritization concerns, scheduling impacts, and budget controls. Your project stakeholders may have their own quibbles about the importance of specific requirements and how the project impacts their teams. And your budget may contain components that have nothing to do with the vendor (e.g. training, consulting).

You and your leadership team have their day jobs, and you may not have your own PMO or project management team to run the project. Is it the responsibility of the vendor-side PM to manage your needs? Simply stated, it is not. Someone needs to manage those activities for you. Do you dilute a leader’s effectiveness by putting them in a role that is not suited for them but “saves money” (does it really)? Do you find an in-house subject matter expert who has availability and hand it to them, putting them in a possible no-win situation?

The Effective Client Side Option

Hiring a project manager would be the most appropriate move. The PM will manage your project and liaise with the vendor and their PM to ensure you can focus on the strategic, and they will focus on the project.

Side note: Depending on whether the vendor’s PM operates as advertised, your PM might have to do additional work advocating for you and ensuring that vendor tasks remain on schedule. That is probably not something you want your leadership team to deal with on a daily basis. Better to give it to a seasoned PM who can manage the ins and outs of vendor project teams.

To learn more about how client-side project management could benefit you, contact us at [email protected].

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